
Choose from a range of marketing workshops, depending on what you need to achieve:

  • Your marketing is not getting the results you want it to and you’re not sure why
  • You need to understand marketing better – regardless of your role
  • Your marketing team needs a refresher, or they’re taking on more work & need some guidance
  • You’ve always understood marketing, but something’s not quite adding up
  • You have a general manager who needs to take on marketing responsibilities as well as everything else!
  • You just want to check that you’re on the right track
  • You need a confidence boost (!)
  • You’re curious about marketing…

It’s rare to find a marketing agency willing to teach you what they know. But we will .

Our Workshops

fun, interactive workshops

Rather than take a typical ‘classroom approach’ and talk at you, our workshops are limited to a maximum of 20 people and are fully interactive.  We can also arrange one to ones, if you prefer.

Our aim is that you leave the session feeling confident about the subject, having learnt something new and knowing how you can use it to improve your marketing.

The following workshops are popular subjects and form the core of our offering although we have delivered other workshops as well.  If there is a subject you’re interested in that is not covered here, please let us know and we may well either have it on file, or would be happy to develop it.

Making Sense of Social Media

Making sense of it!

What’s it all about? Why is it so popular? How does it work? How can I use it to drive sales?  If these are familiar questions, then this workshop will help provide the answers.

We introduce social media, put it into context, discuss how Twitter, Facebook, Linked In and blogging can work for business – and we take away the fear!  You’ll leave this half day workshop with an understanding of what is right for your company and you’ll know how to apply it.

“You have removed all fear of embarking on this change! Thanks for a really informative session” Kerry, Business Adviser

“The day delivered exactly what was needed; an overview of what is out there, how it works, how it works together and how the different channels should be used. I thought Louise was a natural presenter, and encouraged the group discussions well. For me it took away a lot of the mystique of social media.” Peter, multinational publishing company, Hampshire

Next dates: 13 September, Bognor Regis (tailored for charities) & 24 October, Southampton

Please use the contact form below for more details

Linked In: The Basics

Linking In

Do you wonder what all the fuss is about? Are you keen to start ‘linking in’, but don’t know how to? Are you dabbling, but know you could do better? 

This half-day interactive workshop introduces you to Linked In and how to use it for making connections, raising your profile, displaying your expertise, generating leads and ultimately generating sales. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have a better understanding of what Linked In can do for you and your business, how you could and should be using it – and you’ll be ready to go!

“Your lesson was brilliant. I am desperate to recommend you as the time you spent with me was very beneficial” Anna, The Influence Business, Hampshire

Next date: TBC

Please use the contact form below for more details

Making Linked In work Harder

have you got it?

So, you’ve got a Linked In account. When did you last check it? Are you using the tools to your advantage? Are you using it pro-actively to build your business? 

Few really are using Linked In as you could and should be. It can become part of your sales process if you use it correctly. The power of Linked In and who it can connect you to is phenomenal, regardless of the industry you’re in – we’ve worked with professional services firms, design agencies and niches consultancies.

Join us for this interactive half day session to learn how it can integrate with your other marketing activity and work harder for you – bringing in the leads you need.

Next date: 25 September, Brighton & 13 November, Eastleigh

Please use the contact form below for more details

Twitter Illuminated – Advanced Twitter for Business

Understanding Twitter

Twitter, schmitter! If you’ve heard about it but don’t understand it, you’ve got an account but don’t know how to start, you know it could work for you but you’re not sure how – or you’ve given up on the whole pesky thing, join us in this workshop.

This half-day interactive workshop introduces you to Twitter, the whys, whats and wherefores – and most importantly, why and how your company should be using it.

By the end of the workshop, you’ll have a better understanding of what Twitter can do for business, how you could and should be using it – and you’ll be raring to go, with tweets at the ready!

Next Date: 26 September, Brighton

Please use the contact form below for more details

mystery of getting it right!

QR Codes – Interested?

We’ve had some interest in learning how to use QR codes effectively and queries on how to avoid the errors most people are making!

If you’re keen to join us on this course, tell your colleagues, let us know and we’ll run it!

Minimum 10 people – use the form below to show your interest

Networking: Get Results!

Making networking work

Does the idea of speaking to strangers fill you with dread? Do you wonder how others network so seamlessly? Are you wondering why your networking is not bringing in any business? Does your team need a refresher in networking etiquette?

This three-hour workshop will give you the answers, skills and tips you need to feel confident about networking and to ensure your company gets what it needs out of it.

“I realise now that it’s not about pitching to people and selling my services. It’s about staying in touch with people, building contacts and seeing how you can help each other” David, search marketing

Next date: TBC

Please use the contact form below for more details

How to Make PR Work For You

Is PR working for you?

Public Relations is a powerful tool for business but is often overlooked in the marketing arsenal. There are also so many myths that surround PR that it’s easy to get it wrong. 

Learn the etiquette of PR; how to approach it, get it right and get it to work for you.  Know what PR works for your company, who you should be speaking with and how to get your business in the media; on radio, TV or in the press.

“Fabulous Workshop. Very Useful” Andrew, Chain Telecom

Please use the contact form below for more details and the next workshop dates

Pressing the button on e-marketing

When do you press it?

So what is e-marketing?  What does it include? How does social media fit in? How can e-marketing work effectively for you? 

We cover the ins and outs of different e-marketing tools, share how other companies use them and discuss the potential successes you can enjoy and failures you need to be aware of!  By the end of the half day workshop, you’ll have a better understanding of what e-marketing options are available to you, what would work for your business – and how you need to implement them to make it work effectively.

“Excellent!  Very interesting and good fun!” Richard, management consultant

“Excellent workshop! Great content – I will attend more sessions!” Emma, Property Risk

“Brilliant course! Made me focus and realise how much I have to do!” Maureen, charity

Please use the contact form below for more details and the next workshop dates

Old Rules, New Tools: Combining Online & Offline Marketing

Learn how to cleverly and effectively combine your marketing online and offline in this half day workshop, so you’re not leaving anything to chance! 

By the end of the session, you’ll know what e-marketing and social media methods will work for your business and how to combine them cleverly and effectively with your other marketing activity for maximum impact.

“So helpful and totally relevant to what we’re doing!” Julie, Manglan Antiques

“Very detailed. Great course!” Caroline, KiWi Words

Please use the contact form below for more details and the next workshop dates

Effective Marketing on a Budget

All businesses should be getting the most out of their marketing budgets, regardless of size! During this half day workshop, we look at what you’re trying to achieve for your company in the short and long-term, who your target markets should be and the most effective and cost-effective way to speak to them.

By the end of the session, you’ll know exactly who you need to talk to, how to talk to them and what you’re saying and you’ll take away a task list to achieve your marketing goals on a budget.  This workshop is limited to 10 businesses.

“I like the fact the classes are limited in size – interaction was great!”Andrew, asset finance

“Really enjoyable and informative session that whet the appetite to learn more, boosted enthusiasm to explore new ideas and got the creative juices flowing!” Karen, Griffin Designs

Please use the contact form below for more details and the next workshop dates

Bespoke Workshops

Tailored for you

We regularly deliver tailored workshops for charities, membership organisations and private corporations, depending on requirements.

These have included branding, social media and implementing the marketing strategy.

“I thought it was a very good day and lived up to my expectations, indeed probably exceeded them. Louise was really excellent – coherent, professional, inclusive, relevant and interesting.” Director, multinational publishing company, Hampshire

Please use the form below if you would like to discuss a tailored session and we’ll be sure to contact you.

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